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by Réjeanne George

By October 24, 2022November 23rd, 2023No Comments

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Prophets are not easy to live with.
They prod you to go
Where you are unfamiliar.
They show you a way that few tread.
They give you a vision of what could be.
They point to invisible realities.

Prophets are not easy to live with.
They disturb your comforts.
They challenge your certitudes.
They say, “Close the wings
Of your intellect.”
They bring you to your knees.

I did arise and go.
I left my people and my father’s house.
I became poor identifying with the poor.
I was horrified at the layers of darkness
In our world and in my soul.
Catherine said, “Pain is the kiss of Christ.”
She knew. I was learning.
It’s the price one pays to
“Go without fear into the depths …”

“Listen to the Spirit” is now
My only sure guide, my lode star,
As I pilgrim, Mandate in hand,
To survive the marketplace of daily life,
“Pray always” is oxygen for the soul,
Bread and wine its daily nourishment,
Poustinia, the restoring inn.
The Vision on the Mountain
Sustains and remains constant.
Sobornost is key.
A quiet joy fills my heart. God is.

Thank you, Catherine.